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Taxonomía y Filogenia.[]

  1. Taxonomía del Género Apis. PDF 102 Kb. Word 71 Kb. Douglas Yanega; Rajiv K. Gupta.
  2. Higher level el bee classifications (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apidae sensu lato). PDF 92 Kb. Gabriel A. R. Melo; Rodrigo B. Gonçalves. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 22 (1): 153–159, março 2005.
  3. Multiple molecular data sets suggest independent origins of highly Eusocial behavior in bees (Hymenoptera:Apinae). PDF 408 Kb. Sydney A. Cameron; Patrick Mardulyn. Syst. Biol. 50(2):194–214, 2001.
  4. Single copy nuclear genes recover cretaceous age divergences in bees. PDF 900 Kb. Bryan N. Dandorth, Sean G. Brady, Sedonia D. Sipes, Adam Pearson. Syst. Biol. 53(2):309–326, 2004.
  5. Insect Na+/K+ ATPase. PDF 753 Kb. A.M. Emery , P.F. Billingsley, P.D. Ready , M.B.A. Djamgoz. Journal of Insect Physiology 44 (1998) 197–209.
  6. Evolution and phylogenetic utility of alignment gaps within intron sequences of three nuclear genes in Bumble Bees (Bombus). PDF 254 Kb. Atsushi Kawakita, Teiji Sota, John S. Ascher, Masao Ito, Hiroyuki Tanakaj, Makoto Kato. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20(1):87–92. 2003.
  7. Aligned 18S and Insect Phylogeny. PDF 2.060 Kb. Karl M. Kjer. Syst. Biol. 53(3):506–514, 2004.
  8. Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the large carpenter bees, genus Xylocopa (Hymenoptera: Apidae). PDF 390 Kb. Remko Leys, Steve J. B. Cooper; Mike P. Schwarz. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 249–266.
  9. The major opsin in bees (Insecta: Hymenoptera): A promising nuclear gene for higher level Phylogenetics. PDF 113 Kb. Patrick Mardulyn; Sydney A. Cameron. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Vol. 12, No. 2, July, pp. 168–176, 1999.
  10. Elongation Factor-2: A Useful Gene for Arthropod Phylogenetics. PDF 145 Kb. Jerome C. Regier, Jeffrey W. Shultz. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Vol. 20, No. 1, July, pp. 136–148, 2001.
  11. Phylogenetic analysis of arthropods using two nuclear protein-encoding genes supports a crustacean + hexapod clade. PDF 243 Kb. Jeffrey W. Shultz; Jerome C. Regier. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2000) 267, 1011-1019.
  12. The Mitochondrial Genome of the Honeybee Apis melliferu: Complete Sequence and Genome Organization. PDF 2.933 Kb. R. H. Crozier and Y. C. Crozier. Genetics 133: 97-1 17 Uanuary, 1993.
  13. Análisis de la biodiversidad de la abeja de Francia, 1ª parte: el origen maternal de las colonias. PDF 82 Kb. Word 141 Kb. Agnès Rortais, Gérard Arnold, Lionel Garnery, Michel Baylac. L´Abeille de France. Apiservices.
  14. Evolution of multiple mating in the genus Apis. PDF file (397 KB). K.A. Palmer, B.P. Oldroyd. Apidologie Vol 31 Nº2: 235.

Programas mejoramiento genéticos.[]

  1. Programa de mejoramiento genético en abejas en argentina. PDF 82 Kb. María Alejandra Palacio. 1er. Congreso de Apicultura del Mercosur. 24, 25 y 26 de Junio, 2005. Punta del Este. Uruguay.
  2. Bienefeld, K. (1994). Genetic characteristics of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) favour recurrent selection. PDF 928 Kb. Proc. 5. World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livestock Prod. 19: 115-118.
  3. Bienefeld, K.; Reinhardt, F.; Pirchner, F. (1989). Inbreeding effects of queen and workers on colony traits in the honey bee. PDF 3.343 Kb. Apidologie 20(5), 439-450.
  4. Bienefeld, K.; Pirchner, F. (1990). Heritabilities for several colony traits in the honeybee. PDF 2.671 Kb. Apidologie 21(3), 175-183.
  5. Bienefeld, K.; Pirchner, F. (1991). Genetic correlations among several colony traits in the honeybee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) taking queen and worker effects into account. PDF 2.957 Kb. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 84(3), 324-331.
  6. Grzegorz Borsuk, Jerzy Paleolog. Genotypic within colony interactions and the colony defebse in Apis mellifera. PDF 51 Kb. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, Biology, Volume 8, Issue 3. Available Online http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume8/issue3/art-04.html.
  7. Programa de Mejoramiento Genético. Material Vivo de Calidad. PDF 365 Kb. Alejandra Palacio, Emilio Figini, Cecilia Andere, Enrique Bedascarrasbure. Revista IDIA XXI: N°5 Diciembre de 2003.
  8. Proyecto Integrado de Desarrollo Apícola (PROAPI). PDF 200 Kb. Laura Rodríguez, Graciela Rodríguez, Enrique Bedascarrasbure. Revista IDIA XXI: N°5 Diciembre de 2003.

Selección abeja Buckfast.[]

  1. The Buckfast Breeding Program: Past, Present & Future. PDF 42 Kb. Erik Österlund. Apimondia conference held in Vancouver 1999.
  2. Buckfast breeding principles. PDF 229 Kb. Erik Österlund. Apimondia conference held in Vancouver 1999.
  3. 10 Buckfast Breeding Statements. PDF 38 Kb. Erik Österlund. Apimondia conference held in Vancouver 1999.
  4. The Cell. Heart of the Hive. PDF 523 Kb. Erik Österlund. American Bee Journal. August, 2001.
  5. Exploring Monticola: Efforts to Find an Acceptable Varroa Resistant Honey Bee. PDF 1.376 Kb. Erik Österlund. American Bee Journal. (1991) 131: 49-56.
  6. The Elgon Bee and Varroa Mites. PDF 238 Kb. Erik Österlund. American Bee Journal.
  7. Bees Biting Mites. PDF 391 Kb. Erik Österlund. Película mostrando abejas obreras que repelen varroa. Archivo.mov 1711 Kb.

Estructura Genética de Poblaciones.[]

  1. Honey bee races classification method by body characters. PDF 67 Kb. K. Čermák, F. Kaspar. Bee Research Institute Ltd., Dol, Breeding Stn. Zubří, 756 54 Zubří, Czech Republic.
  • Abejas Argentinas
  1. Gene flow between Africans and European derived honey bee populations in Argentina. PDF 360 Kb. Walter S. Sheppard, Thomas E. Rinderer, Julio A. Mazzoli, J. Anthony Stelzer, Hachiro Shimanuki. Nature 349, 782 - 784 (28 Feb 1991) Letters to Editor.
  2. Analysis of Africanized honey bee mitochondrial DNA reveals further diversity of origin. PDF 33 Kb. Word 52 Kb. Walter S. Sheppard, Thomas E. Rinderer, Lionel Garnery, Hachiro Shimanuki. Genet. Mol. Biol. vol.22 n.1 São Paulo Mar. 1999.
  • Abejas Brasileras y Uruguayas
  1. Genetic structure of honeybee populations from southern Brazil and Uruguay. PDF 107 Kb. Nilza Maria Diniz, Ademilson Espencer Egea Soares, Walter Steve Sheppard, Marco Antonio Del Lama. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 26, 1, 47-52 (2003).
  • Abejas Colombianas
  1. Distribución y variabilidad del ADN Mitocondrial de Apis mellifera en Colombia. PDF 613 Kb. Salamanca G. G.; De La Rua, T. P.; Galian, A. J.; Canovas. F. Universidad del Tolima. Universidad de Murcia. Murcia.
  • Abejas Canarias
  1. Genetic structure and distinctness of Apis mellifera L. populations from the Canary Islands. PDF 447 Kb. P. De La Rúa; J. Galián, J. Serrano and R. F. A. Moritz. Molecular Ecology (2001) 10, 1733–1742.
  • Abejas Balearticas
  1. Genetic structure of Balearic honeybee populations based on microsatellite polymorphism. PDF 239 Kb. Pilar De La Rua, José Gallina, José Serrano, Robin F.A. Moritz. Genet. Sel. Evol. 35 (2003) 339-350.
  2. Molecular characterization and population structure of the honeybees from the balearic islands (Spain). PDF (118 KB). Pilar de la Rúa, José Galián, José Serrano and R.F.A. Moritz. Apidologie 32 (5): 417-427.
  • Otras abejas del género Apis
  1. New haplotypes for the non-coding region of mitochondrial DNA in cavity-nesting honey bees Apis koschevnikovi and Apis nuluensis. PDF file (1.11 MB). Jun-ichi Takahashi, Jun Nakamura, Masami Sasaki, Salim Tingek and Shin-ichi Akimoto. Apidologie 33(1): 25-31.
  • Abeja de Creta
  1. Genetic structure of the bee from Crete Island (Greece). PDF 378 Kb. P. Harizanis, Maria Bouga. Standing Commission of Bee Biology. Apiacta.
  2. Estructura genética de las abejas de la Isla de Creta. (Grecia). PDF 253 Kb. Inglés PDF 293 Kb. P. Harizanis, Maria Bouga.
  • Abeja Chipriota
  1. Morphometric, allozymic and MtDNA variation in hoeybee (Apis mellifera cypria, Pollman 1879) populations in northern cyprus. PDF 550 Kb. İ. Kandemir, Marina D. Meixner, Ayca Ozman, S.W. Sheppard. Standing Commission of Bee Biology. Apiacta.
  • Abejas Africanas
  1. Genetic diversity of the honeybee in Africa: microsatellite and mitochondrial data. PDF 406 Kb. P. Franck, L. Garnery, A. Loiseau, B. P. Oldroyd, H. R. Hepburn, M. Solignac, J. M. Cornuet. Heredity 86 (2001) 420-430.
  2. Population structure and morphometric variance of the Apis mellifera scutellata group of honeybees in Africa. PDF 1304 Kb. Sarah Radloff; Randall Hepburn. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 23, 2, 305-316 (2000).
  3. Morphometric analysis of two southern African races of honeybee. PDF 550 Kb. Crewe R. M., Hepburn H. R.; Moritz, R. F. A. Apidologie 25:61-70. 1994.
  • Abejas Mexicanas
  1. Origin of honeybees ( Apis mellifera L.) from the Yucatan peninsula inferred from mitochondrial DNA analysis. PDF 573 Kb. Kylea E. Clarke; Benjamin P. Oldroyd; J. Javier, G. Quezada-Euán; Thomas E. Rinderer. Molecular Ecology (2001) 10 , 1347–1355.
  • Abejas Turcas
  1. Genetic and morphometric variation in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) populations of Turkey. PDF file (1 MB). I. Kandemir, M. Kence, A. Kence. Apidologie 31(3): 343-356.
  2. The Study On Morphological and Physiological Characters Affecting The Productivity of Some Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Genotypes of Turkey. PDF 78 Kb. Ahmet Guler. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 23 (1999) Ek Say› 2, 393-399.
  • Subespecies
  1. Apis mellifera pomonella, a new honey bee subspecies from Central Asia. PDF 995 Kb. Walter S. Sheppard, Marina D. Meixner. Apidologie 34 (2003) 367–375.

Apis mellifera iberica[]

  1. Molecular diversity of honeybee Apis mellifera iberica L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from western Andalusia. PDF 173 Kb. De la Rúa, P., R. Hernández-García, B.V. Pedersen, J. Galián and J. Serrano. Arch. Zootec. 53: 195-203. 2004.
  2. Valoración del éxito reproductivo de Varroa jacobsoni en Apis mellifera iberica. PDF 19 Kb. Flores, J.M., J.A. Ruiz, M. Valenzuela, F. Martínez, J.M. Ruz y F. Campano. Arch. Zootec. 47: 219-224. 1998.
  3. Variabilidad del ADN mitocondrial en poblaciones de Apis mellifera iberica d Galicia (NW España). PDF 89 Kb. Cánovas, F., P. de la Rúa, J. Serrano y J. Galián. Arch. Zootec. 51: 441-448. 2002.
  4. Microsatellite analysis of non-migratory colonies of Apis mellifera iberica from south-eastern Spain. PDF 262 Kb. P. De la Rua, J. Galian, J. Serrano; R. F. A. Moritz. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Research 40 (2002) 164–168.

Apis mellifera carnica[]

  1. Der Einfluss der Inzucht auf die Fitness der Drohnen von Apis mellifera carnica. PDF 695 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Apidologie 12:41-55. 1981.
  2. Caracterización molecular de Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann en Eslovenia. PDF 202 Kb. S. Susnik, P. Kozmus, J. Poklukar, V. Meglic. 38-th International Apicultural Congress of Apimondia. Ljubljana. Slovenia. Ingles.
  3. Review of submissions on: draft import health standard for the importation into New Zealand od Carniolan Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera Carnica) semen from Germany. PDF 15 Kb. Carolyn Hini. National Manager, International Animal Trade Biosecurity Authority. August 2003.
  4. Caracterización molecular de Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann en Eslovenia. PDF 202 Kb. PDF 331 Kb. (Ingles). S. Susnik, P. Koznus, J. Poklukar, V. Meglic. Comisión Permanente de Biología Apícola.
  5. Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica) population definition as based on mitochondrial DNA. PDF 199 Kb. Kozmus, Peter et al. Zb. Bioteh. Fac. Univ. LJubl. Kmet. Zootec. 80(2):181-191. Dec. 2002.
  6. Enzymatische Inzucht und Alterseffekte in Flugmuskelmitochondrien bei Drohnen (Apis mellifera carnica). PDF 125 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz. Apidologie 13: 343-345. 1982.
  7. Inzuchteffekte auf den Stoffwechsel von Drohnen (Apis mellifera carnica). PDF 756 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Zeitschriftfür Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 99:69-80. 1982.


  1. Population structure and morphometric variance of the Apis mellifera scutellata group of honeybees in Africa. PDF 1304 Kb. Sarah Radloff; Randall Hepburn. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 23, 2, 305-316 (2000).
  2. Africanized honeybee impact in beekeeping of Argentina. PDF 117 Kb. Basualdo Marina; Palacio M.A; Bedascarrasbure, E.L. INTA.
  3. The African honey bee: Factors Contributing to a Successful Biological Invasion. PDF 254 Kb. Stanley Scott Schneider, Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, and Deborah Roan Smith. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2004. 49:351–76.
  4. Frequencies of Restriction Fragment-Length Polymorphisms Indicate That Neotropical Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Populations Have African and West European Origins. PDF 108 Kb. H. Glenn Hall; Margaret A. McMichael. Ecology and Population Biology 94 (5): 670-676.
  5. A Locus with Restriction Fragment-Length Polymorphisms Characteristic of African and European Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Groups of Subspecies. PDF 323 Kb. Alonso Suazo; Myeong-Lyeol Lee; H. Glenn Hall. Annals of The Entomological Society of America Vol. 95, no. 1: 115-124.
  6. Identification of Africanized Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Mitochondrial DNA: Validation of a Rapid Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Assay. PDF 356 Kb. M. Alice Pinto; J. Spencer Johnston; William L. Rubink; Robert N. Coulson, John C. Patton; Walter S. Sheppard. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 96(5): 679-684 (2003).
  7. Longevity of africanized worker honey bees (Apis mellifera) carrying eye color mutant alleles. Rosana de Almeida; Ademilson Espencer Egea Soares. PDF 512 Kb. Scientia Agricola, v.60, n.2, p.277-281, Abr./Jun. 2003.
  8. Highly polymorphic DNA markers in an Africanized honey bee population in Costa Rica. PDF 181 Kb. Jorge Arturo Lobo Segura. DNA Genetics and Molecular Biology, 23, 2, 317-322 (2000).
  9. Analysis of Africanized honey bee mitochondrial DNA reveals further diversity of origin. PDF 33 Kb. Word 52 Kb. Walter S. Sheppard, Thomas E. Rinderer, Lionel Garnery, Hachiro Shimanuki. Genet. Mol. Biol. vol.22 n.1 São Paulo Mar. 1999.
  10. The Africanization of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) of the Yucatan: A study of a massive hybridization event across time. PDF 153 Kb. Kylea E. Clarke; Thomas E. Rinderer; Pierre Franck; Javier G. Quezada; Benjamin P. Oldroyd. Evolution, 56(7), 2002, pp. 1462–1474.
  11. Do morphometrics and allozymes reliably distinguish Africanized and European Apis mellifera drones in subtropical Mexico?. PDF 383 Kb. W De J. May Itzá; J. J. G. Quezada-Euan; L. Iutt; C. M. Echazarreta. Journal of Apicultural Research 40(1): 17–23 (2001).
  12. Genetic diversity of the honeybee in Africa: microsatellite and mitochondrial data. PDF 406 Kb. P. Franck, L. Garnery, A. Loiseau, B. P. Oldroyd, H. R. Hepburn, M. Solignac, J. M. Cornuet. Heredity 86 (2001) 420-430.
  13. African-European honeybee hybrids have low nonintermediate metabolic capacities. PDF 365 Kb. Jon F. Harrison, H. Glenn Hall. Nature 363, 258 - 260 (20 May 1993) Letters to Editor.
  14. Neotropical Africanized honey bees have African mitochondrial DNA. PDF 391 Kb. Deborah Roan Smith, Orley R Taylor, Wesley M. Brown. Nature 339, 213 - 215 (18 May 1989) Letters to Editor.
  15. Neotropical Africanized honey bees have African mitochondrial DNA. PDF 275 Kb. Robert E. Page. Nature 339, 181 - 182 (18 May 1989) News and Views.
  16. Gene flow between African- and European-derived honey bee populations in Argentina. PDF 360 Kb. Walter S. Sheppard, Thomas E. Rinderer, Julio A. Mazzoli, J. Anthony Stelzer, Hachiro Shimanuki. Nature 349, 782 - 784 (28 Feb 1991) Letters to Editor.
  17. Evidence from mitochondrial DNA that African honey bees spread as continuous maternal lineages. PDF 417 Kb. H. Glenn Hall, K. Muralidharan. Nature 339, 211 - 213 (18 May 1989) Letters to Editor.
  18. The Africanization of Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) of the Yucatan: A study of a massive hybridisation event across time. PDF 153 Kb. Clarke, K.E., Rinderer, T.E., Franck, P., Quezada-Euan, J.G. & B.P. Oldroyd. Evolution. 56: 1462 - 1474. (2002).
  19. Neotropical African bees. PDF 275 Kb. Robert E. Page. Nature 339, 181-182 (18 May 1989) News and Views.
  20. Answers to the puzzling distribution of africanized bees in the United States. PDF 352 Kb. Villa, J.D., Rinderer, T. E., Stelzer, J. A. 2002. American Bee Journal 142:480-483.
  21. Analysis of Africanized Honey Bee Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Further Diversity of Origin. PDF 271 Kb. Sheppard, W. S., Rinderer, T. E., Garnery, L., Shimanuki, H. 1999. Genetics and Molecular Biology 22, 1: 73-75.
  22. Queen Development Time and the Africanization of European Honey Bees. PDF 88 Kb. Word 84 Kb. Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman; Joseph C. Watkins. American Bee Journal (1995) 26: 467-75.
  23. Selection of Nest Cavities by Africanized and European Honey Bees. PDF 45 Kb. Word 95 Kb. Justin O. Schmidt; Rich Hurley. Apidologie (1995) 26: 467-75.
  24. Maternal influence on the acceptance of virgin queens introduced into Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. PDF 444 Kb. G. Moretto, J.C.V. Guerra, H. Kalvelage; E. Espindola. Genet. Mol. Res. 3 (3): 441-445 (2004).
  25. The africanization of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) of the Yucatan: A study of a massive hybridization event across time. PDF 153 Kb. Kylea E. Clarke, Thomas E. Rinderer, Pierre Franck, Javier G. Quezada-Eua N, Benjamin P. Oldroyd. Evolution, 56(7), 2002, pp. 1462–1474.
  26. Hybridization between european and africanized honeybees in tropical yucatan, mexico. II. Morphometric, allozymic and mitochondrial DNA variability in feral colonies. PDF. J. J. G. Quezada-Euán. Apidologie 31(3):443-453.
  27. Patriline composition of worker populations in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies headed by queens inseminated with semen from African and European drones. PDF 187 Kb. DeGrandi-Hoffman, G., D. R. Tarpy, and S. S. Schnieder. Apidologie, 34: 111-120. (2003).
  28. Mitochondrial gene frequencies in Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.):Theoretical model and empirical evidence. PDF 485 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A., Meusel M. S. Journal of EvolutionaryBiology 5: 71-82.
  29. Mitochondrial-DNA variability in South African honeybees (Apismellifera L.). PDF 646 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Cornuet, J. M.; Kryger, P., Garnery L.; Hepburn, H. R. Apidologie 25: 169-178. 1994.
  30. Estimating the contribution of laying workers to population fitness in African honeybees (Apis mellifera) with molecular markers. PDF 134 Kb. Moritz; R. F. A.; Beye, M.; Hepburn, H. R. Insectes Sociaux 45: 277-287.
  31. Distinguishing African and European honeybee matrilines using amplified mitochondrial DNA. PDF 1.487 Kb. H. Glenn Hall; Deborah R. Smith. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 4548-4552, May 1991.
  32. DNA differences found between Africanized and European honeybees. PDF 1.248 Kb. H. Glenn Hall. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 83, pp. 4874-4877, July 1986.
  33. Africanization in the United States: Replacement of Feral European Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) by an African Hybrid. PDF 291 Kb. Swarm M. Alice Pinto, William L. Rubink, John C. Patton, Robert N. Coulson and J. Spencer Johnston. Genetics 170: 1653–1665 ( August 2005).
  34. The Aricanization of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) of the Yucatan: a study of massive hybridization event across time. PDF 153 Kb. Kylea E. Clarke; Thomas E. Rinderer; Pierre Framck; Javier G. Quezada-Euán; Benjamin P. Oldroyd. Evolution, 56(7), 2002, pp. 1462–1474.
  35. Temporal genetic structure of feral honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in a coastal prairie habitat of southern Texas: impact of Africanization. PDF 611 Kb. Pinto, Maria Alice. Tesis. Texas A&M University.
  36. Feral Africanized honey bee ecology in a coastal prairie landscape. PDF 11.751 Kb. Baum, Kristen Anne. Texas A&M University.

Apis mellifera capensis[]

  1. A method for estimating variation in the phenotypic expression of morphological characters by thelytokous parthenogenesis in Apis mellifera capensis. PDF 65 Kb. Sarah E. Radloff, Randall Hepburn, Peter Neumann, Robin F.A. Moritz, Per Kryger. Apidologie 33 (2002) 129–137.
  2. Apis mellifera capensis: an essay on the subspecific classification of honeybees. PDF 952 Kb. Randall Hepburn, Sarah E. Radloff. Apidologie 33 (2002) 105–127.
  3. A single locus determines thelytokous parthenogenesis of laying honeybee workers (Apis mellifera capensis). PDF 92 Kb. H. M. G. Lattorff, R. F. A. Moritz; S. Fuchs. Heredity (2005), 1–5.
  4. Der Einfluss der Inzucht auf die Fitness der Drohnen (Apis mellifera capensis). PDF 71 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Apidologie 9:156-158. 1978.
  5. Cytogenetik bei der thelytoken Parthenogenese der Kaphonigbiene (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.). PDF 84 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Apidologie 12: 89-91. 1981.
  6. Hybridization between Apis mellifera capensis and adjacent races of Apis mellifera. PDF 456 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz, Kuehnert, M. Apidologie 15: 211-222. 1984.
  7. Restricted developmentof the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni in the cape honeybee Apis mellifera capensis. PDF 243 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz, Haenel H. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 97: 91-95. 1984.
  8. Estimating heritabilities of worker characters: a new approach using laying workers of the Cape honeybee (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.). PDF 459 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A., Klepsch, A. Apidologie 16: 47-56. 1985.
  9. Inheritance of dominance in honeybees (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.). PDF 256 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Hillesheim, E. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 17:87-89. 1985.
  10. The effects of multiple mating on the worker-queen conflict in Apis mellifera. PDF 247 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 16: 375-378. 1985.
  11. Colony performance in honeybees (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.) depends on the proportion of subordinate and dominant workers. PDF 654 Kb. Hillesheim E, Koeninger N, Moritz R. F. A. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 24: 291-296. 1989.
  12. Development of Varroa jacobsoni in colonies of Apis mellifera capensis and Apis mellifera carnica. PDF 404 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A., Mautz, D. Apidologie 21: 53-58. 1990.
  13. Lack of meiotic recombination in thelytokous parthenogenesis of laying workers of Apis mellifera capensis (the Cape honeybee). PDF 529 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Haberl, M. Heredity 73:98-102. 1994.
  14. Pheromonalcontest between honeybee workers (Apis mellifera capensis). PDF 76 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Simon, U. E.; Crewe, R. M. Naturwissenschaften 87: 395-397.
  15. Whole-Genome Scan in Thelytokous-Laying Workers of the Cape Honeybee (Apis mellifera capensis): Central Fusion, Reduced Recombination Rates and Centromere Mapping Using Half-Tetrad Analysis. PDF 321 Kb. Emmanuelle Baudrya, Per Krygerb, Mike Allsoppc, Nikolaus Koenigerd, Dominique Vautrina, Florence Mougela, Jean-Marie Cornuete, and Michel Solignaca. Genetics, Vol. 167, 243-252, May 2004.

Apis cerana[]

  1. MtDNA variation in Apis cerana populations from the Philippines. PDF 386 Kb. P. De La Rua, U. E. Simon, A. C. Tilde, R. F. A. Moritz, S. Fuchs. Heredity 84 (2000) 124-130.

Genética Melipónidos[]

  1. Air ventilation in nests of two African stingless bees Trigona denoiti and Trigonagribodoi. PDF 381 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Crewe, R. M. Experientia 44: 1024-1027. 1988.
  2. DNA characterization and karyotypic evolution in the bee genus Melipona (Hymenoptera, Meliponini). PDF 198 Kb. Marla Piumbini Rocha; Silvia Das Grac¸ As Pompolo, Jorge Abdala Dergam, Anderson Fernandes Lucio Antonio De Oliveira Campos. Hereditas 136: 19–27 (2002).

Comportamientos higiénico o defensa[]

  1. Resultados de la selección para comportamiento higiénico en poblaciones de abejas (Apis mellifera L) sin control de fecundación. PDF 47 Kb. Palacio, María Alejandra; Figini, Emilio; Riffinengo, Sergio; Rodriguez, Edgardo Mario; Del Hoyo, Marcelo; Bedascarrasbure, Enrique. INTA.
  2. Selección y mejoramiento genético de abejas. PDF 16 Kb. Word 30 Kb. Antonio José Manrique. Investigador. FONAIAP-Gerencia General. Universidad de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto. Departamento de Genética. Brasil.
  3. Relationship between defensive and hygienic behavior in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) population. PDF 209 Kb. Cecilia Andere; M.A.Palacio; P.Delgado; E.Figini; E.M.Rodriguez; M.Colombani; E.Bedascarrasbure. INTA.
  4. Import risk analysis: honey bee (Apis mellifera) genetic material. PDF 547 Kb. Derek Belton. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Te Manatu Ahuwhenua, Ngaherehere ASB Bank House. New Zealand.
  5. Genomic Analysis in the sting-2 Trait Locus for Defensive Behavior in the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera. PDF 229 Kb. Neil F. Lobo, Lucas Q. Ton, Catherine A. Hill, Christine Emore, Jeanne Romero-Severson, Greg J. Hunt, and Frank H. Collins. Genome Research 2588-2593.

Tolerancia a Varroa[]

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Evolución abejas[]

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Bacterias y Virus[]

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  93. Inzuchteffekte auf enzymatischer Ebene bei Drohnen. PDF 81 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz. Naturwissenschaften 67: 470. 1980.
  94. Verteilung systemischer Präparate in der Wintertraube der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 106 Kb. Moritz R. F. A., Harlander B. Apidologie 13: 343-345. 1982.
  95. Selektion in kleinen Populationen der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera). PDF 102 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Apidologie 13:345-346. 1982.
  96. Präparatverteilung bei systemischer Therapie von Ektoparasitosen bei Apis mellifera L. PDF 649 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Apidologie 13: 127-141. 1982.
  97. Inbreeding effects in flight muscle mitochondria of Apis mellifera L. PDF 420 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Revista Brasiliera Genetica 6: 59-70. 1982.
  98. Maternale Effekte bei der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 616 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Zeitschrift fürTierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 99:139-148. 1982.
  99. Evolution der Sozietät von Apis mellifera L. Eine Königinnen oder eine Arbeiterinnen Strategie?. PDF 75 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz. Apidologie 13: 74-76. 1982.
  100. Homogenous mixing of honeybee semen by centrifugation. PDF 309 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz. Journal of Apicultural Research 22:249-255. 1983.
  101. Seasonal effects on artificial insemination of honeybee queens (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 410 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz, Kuehnert, M. Apidologie 15: 223-231. 1984.
  102. The effect of different diluents on insemination success in the honeybee using mixed semen. PDF 279 Kb. Robin F. A. Moritz. Journal of Apicultural Research 23: 164-167. 1984.
  103. Selection in small populations of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 496 Kb. Robin F.A. Moritz. Zeitschrift fürTierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 101:394-400. 1984.
  104. Metabolic response to alarm pheromone in honeybees (Apis mellifera). PDF 307 Kb. Southwick E. E., Moritz R. F. A. Journal of Insect Physiology 31: 389-392. 1985.
  105. A metabolic test for the quantitative analysis of alarm behavior of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 387 Kb. Moritz R. F. A., Southwick E. E., Breh, H. Journal of Experimental Zoology 235: 1-5. 1985.
  106. Effects of meteorological factors on defensive behavior of honeybees. PDF 304 Kb. Southwick, E. E, Moritz, R. F. A. International Journal of Biometeorology 31: 259-265. 1986.
  107. Analysis of queen recognition by honey bee workers (Apis mellifera L.) in a metabolic bio-assay. PDF 414 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A., Southwick, E. E. Experimental Biology 46:45-49. 1986.
  108. A mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in honeybees (Apis mellifera). PDF 292 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Hawkins, C. F, Crozier, R. H, Mackinley A. G. Experientia 42: 322-324. 1986.
  109. Comparison of within-family and mass selection in honeybee populations. PDF 473 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Journal of Apicultural Research 25: 146-153. 1986.
  110. Two parthenogenetical strategiesof laying workers in populations of the honeybee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae). PDF 370 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Entomologia Generalis 11:159-164. 1986.
  111. Intracolonial worker relationship and sperm competition in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). PDF 3.790 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Experientia 42: 445-448. 1986.
  112. Estimating the genetic varianceof group haracters: Social behavior of honeybees (Apis mellifera). PDF 413 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 72: 513-517. 1986.
  113. Social synchronization of circadian rhythms in honeybees. PDF 275 Kb. Southwick, E. E., Moritz, R. F. A. Physiological Entomology 12: 209-212. 1987.
  114. Social control of air ventilation in colonies of honey bees, Apis mellifera. PDF 396 Kb. Southwick, E. E., Moritz, R. F. A. Journal of Insect Physiology 33: 623-626. 1987.
  115. Genetic analysis of defensive behaviour of honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera L.) in a field test. PDF 699 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Southwick E. E, Harbo J. R. Apidologie 18: 27-42. 1987.
  116. Maternal and pre-eclosional factors affecting alarm behaviour in adult honeybees. PDF 485 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Southwick E. E, Harbo J. R. Insectes Sociaux 34: 298-307. 1987.
  117. Metabolic test of volatile odor labels as kin recognition cues in honey bees. PDF 375 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Southwick E. E. Journal of Experimental Zoology 243: 503-508. 1987.
  118. Phenotype interactions in group behavior of honey bee workers (Apis mellifera L). PDF 506 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Southwick E. E. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 21:53-58. 1987.
  119. Genetic variance of physiological characters in the Cape honeybee. PDF 449 Kb. Hillesheim E, Moritz, R. F. A. Journal of Apicultural Research 26: 30-36.
  120. Behavior genetics of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 564 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Brandes, C. In: Menzel R, Mercer A (eds) Neurobiology and Behavior of Honeybees. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 21-35. 1987.
  121. Group response to alarm pheromones in social wasps and the honeybee. PDF 625 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Burgin, H. Ethology 76:15-26.
  122. Sociogenetics in insects: introduction. PDF 127 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Crozier, R. H, Pamilo, P. In: Eder J, Rembold H (eds) Chemistry and biology of social insects. Peperny, Munich, pp 331-332.
  123. Group relatedness and kin discrimination in honey bees Apis mellifera L. PDF 575 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Animal Behavior 36: 1334-1340. 1988.
  124. A re-evaluation of the two-locus model for hygienic behavior in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 589 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Journal of Heredity 79: 257-262. 1988.
  125. Chemical signals of queens in kin recognition of honeybees, Apis mellifera L. PDF 521 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Crewe, R. M. Journalof Comparative Physiology A 164: 83-90. 1988.
  126. Colony level and within colony level selection in honeybees. PDF 721 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 25: 437-444. 1989.
  127. Genotypic intragroup variance and hoarding behaviour in honeybees (Apismellifera L.). PDF 394 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Hillesheim, E. Apidologie 20: 383-390. 1989.
  128. Trophallaxis and genetic variance of kin recognition in honey bees, Apis mellifera L. PDF 484 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A., Hillesheim E. Animal Behavior 40: 641-647. 1990.
  129. Olfactory discrimination between group odours in honey bees: kin or nestmate recognition?. PDF 557 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A., Hillesheim E. Insectes Sociaux 37: 90-99. 1990.
  130. Kin recognition in honeybees: experimental artefact or biological reality?. PDF 459 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. In: Goodman LJ, Fisher RC(eds) The behaviour and physiology of bees. CAB International, Oxon, UK, pp 48-59. 1991.
  131. The limitations of biometrical control on pure race breeding in Apis mellifera. PDF 437 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Journal of Apicultural Research 30: 54-60. 1991.
  132. Chemical camouflage of the death head hawkmoth, Acherontia atropus. PDF 386 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A., Kirchner M, Crewe R. M. Naturwissenschaften78: 179-182.
  133. The role of the queenin circadian rhythms of honeybees (Apis mellifera L). PDF 489 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Sakofski, F. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 29: 361-366.
  134. Circadian rhythms in social groups of the honeybee. PDF 334 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A, Sakofski, F., Kainz, D. In: Binnenbruck H, Richter J(eds) Forschung unter Weltraumbedingungen. DARA, Aachen, pp: 403-408.
  135. Mitochondrial DNA length variation in the cytochrome oxidase region of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 290 Kb. Meusel, M. S., Moritz R. F. A. Apidologie 23: 147-150. 1992.
  136. Super and half-sister discrimination by honey bee workers (Apis mellifera L.) in a trophallactic bioassay. PDF 466 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Heisler, T. Insectes Sociaux 39:365-372.
  137. In situ hybridization of rDNA on chromosomes of the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. 188 Kb. Beye, M. Moritz, R. F. A. Experientia 49: 337-338. 1993.
  138. Transfer of paternal mitochondrial DNA during fertilization of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) eggs. PDF 558 Kb. Meusel, M. S, Moritz, R. F. A. Current Genetics 24: 539-543. 1993.
  139. A centromere-specific probe for fluorescence in-situ hybridization on chromosomes of Apis mellifera L. PDF 260 Kb. Beye, M., Moritz, R. F. A. Apidologie 25: 322-326. 1994.
  140. Sex linkage in the honeybee Apis mellifera detected by multilocus DNA-fingerprinting. PDF 266 Kb. Beye, M.; Moritz, R. F. A.; Epplen C. Naturwissenschaften 81:460-462. 1994.
  141. Estimation of intracolonial worker relationship in a honeybee colony (Apis mellifera L.) using DNA-fingerprinting. PDF 785 Kb. Haberl, M., Moritz, R. F. A. Insectes Sociaux 41:263-272. 1994.
  142. Molecular biology of the honeybee. PDF 2.174 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A. Advances in Insect Physiology 25: 105-149. 1994.
  143. Self-organization of circadian-rhythms in groups of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 508 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Kryger, P. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 34: 211-215. 1994.
  144. Sequence analysis of the D1 and D2 regions of 28S rDNA in the hornet (Vespa crabro)(Hymenoptera, Vespinae). PDF 289 Kb. Schmitz, J.; Moritz, R. F. A. Insect Molecular Biology 3:273-277. 1994.
  145. Characterization of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) chromosomes using repetitive DNA probes and fluorescence in situ hybridization. PDF 128 Kb. Beye, M.; Moritz, R. F. A. Journal of Heredity 86:145-150. 1995.
  146. High-degree of polyandry in Apis dorsata queens detected by DNA microsatellite variability. PDF 658 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Kryger, P.; Koeninger, G; Koeneinger, N; Estoup, A.; Tingek, S. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 37: 357-363. 1995.
  147. Mapping the sex locus of the honeybee (Apis mellifera). PDF 292 Kb. Beye M., Moritz R.F.A., Crozier R.H., Crozier Y.C. Naturwissenschaften 83: 424-426. 1996.
  148. Competition for royality in bees. PDF 124 Kb. Moritz R.F.A., Kryeger P., Allsppp, M.H. Nature 384: 31. 1996.
  149. Genetic analysis of the drifting of drones in Apis mellifera using multilocus DNA fingerprinting. PDF 690 Kb. Moritz, R.F.A, Neumann, P. Ethology 102: 580-590. 1996.
  150. Nestmate recognition and the genetic gestalt in the mound-building ant Formica polyctena. PDF 249 Kb. Beye, M., Neumann, P., Moritz, R.F.A. Insectes Sociaux 44: 49-58. 1997.
  151. Lack of kin recognitionin swarming honeybees (Apis mellifera). PDF 453 Kb. Kryger, P.; Moritz, R.F.A. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 271-276. 1997.
  152. Nestmate recognition and the genetic relatedness of nests in the ant Formica pratensis. PDF 197 Kb. Beye, M.; Neumann, P., Chapuisat, M.; Pamilo, P., Moritz, R. F. A. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 43: 67-72.
  153. A simple, non-radioactive DNA fingerprinting method for identifying patrilines in honeybee colonies. PDF 415 Kb. Beye, M.; Neumann, P.; Schmitzova, J.; Klaudiny, J.; Alberts Simuth, J.; Felder, M.; Moritz, R. F. A. Apidologie 29: 255-263.
  154. A gridded genomic library of the honeybee (Apis mellifera): A reference library system for basic and comparative genetic studies of a hymenopteran genome. PDF 376 Kb. Beye, M.; Poch, A.; Burgtorf, C.; Moritz, R. F. A.; Lehrach, H. Genomics 49: 317-320.
  155. Evolution of extremepolyandry in the honeybee Apis mellifera L. PDF 128 Kb. Fuchs, S., Moritz; R. F. A. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 45: 269-275.
  156. Organization of honeybee colonies: characteristics and consequences of a superorganism concept. PDF 953 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Fuchs, S. Apidologie 29: 7-21.
  157. Molecular phylogeny of Vespidae (Hymenoptera) and the evolution of sociality in wasps. PDF 919 Kb. Schmitz, J.; Moritz, R. F. A. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9:183-191.
  158. Sociality and the rate of rDNA sequence evolution in wasps (Vespidae) and honeybees (Apis). PDF 594 Kb. Schmitz, J.; Moritz, R. F. A. Journal of Molecular Evolution 47:606-612.
  159. A scientific note on the preparation of high molecular weight DNA from honeybee Apis mellifera L. pupae for PFGE analysis. Beye, M.; Grohmann, L.; Poch, A.; Burgtorf, C. Apidologie 30: 349-350.
  160. Unusually high recombination rate detected in the sex locus region of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). PDF 133 Kb. Beye, M.; Hunt, G. J.; Page, R. E. Jr.; Fondrkmk, Grohmann, L.; Moritz, R. F. A. Genetics 153: 1701-1708. 1999.
  161. Absconding in honeybees (Apis mellifera) in relation to queen status and mode of worker reproduction. PDF 106 Kb. Hepburn, H. R.; Reece, S. L.; Neumann, P.; Moritz, R. F. A.; Radloff, S. E. Insectes Sociaux 46:323-326. 1999.
  162. Behavioral threshold variability: costs and benefits in insect societies. PDF 1.045 Kb. Moritz, R. F. A.; Page, R. E. Jr. In: Detrain CJ, Pasteels J, Deneubourg J (eds.) Information Processing in Social Insects. Birkhäuser, Basel, pp 203-215.
  163. Using DNA microsatellites for maternity testing in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 6.862 Kb. Neumann, P.; Moritz, R. F. A.; Mautz, D. Apidologie 30: 505-512.
  164. Queen mating frequency in different types of honey bee mating apiaries. PDF 7.392 Kb. Neumann, P.; Moritz, R. F. A., Van Praagh, J. P. Journal of Apicultural Research 38: 11-18.
  165. Testing reliability of a potential island mating apiary using DNA microsatellites. PDF 989 Kb. Neumann, P.; Van Praagh J. P.; Moritz, R. F. A.; Dustmann, J. H. Apidologie 30:257-276.
  166. MtDNA variation in Apis cerana populations from the Philippines. PDF 386 Kb. De La Rua, P.; Simon; U. E.; Tilde, A. C.; Moritz, R. F. A., Fuchs, S. Heredity 84: 124-130. 2000.
  167. Technique for rearing the European hornet (Vespa crabro) through an entire colony life cycle in captivity. PDF 46 Kb. Hoffmann, W. R. E.; Neumann, P.; Schmolz, E. Insectes Sociaux 47:351-353. 2000.
  168. Genotypical variability for the tasks of water collecting and scenting in a honey bee colony. PDF 166 Kb. Kryger, P.; Kryger, U.; Moritz, R. F. A. Ethology 106: 769-779.
  169. Clustering of related workers in the honeybee colony (Apis mellifera L.): adaptive process or inevitable pattern?. PDF 419 Kb. Moritz; R. F. A.; Crewe, R. M.; Hepburn, H. R. Apidologie 31:223-233.
  170. Modes of worker reproduction,reproductive dominance and brood cell construction in queenlesshoneybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies. PDF 34 Kb. Neumann, P.; Hepburn, H. R.; Radloff, S. E. Apidologie 31:479-486.
  171. Home-site fidelity in migratory honeybees. PDF 100 Kb. Neumann, P.; Koeniger, N.; Koeniger, G.; Tingek, S.; Kryger, P.; Moritz, R. F. A. Nature 406: 474-475.
  172. Testing genetic variance hypotheses for the evolution of polyandry in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 94 Kb. Neumann, P.; Moritz, R. F. A. Insectes sociaux 47:271-279.
  173. Colony evaluation is not affected by drifting of drone and worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) at a performance testing apiary. PDF 71 Kb. Neumann, P.; Moritz, R. F. A.; Mautz, D. Apidologie 31: 67-79.
  174. A new, simple method for rearing diploid drones in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). PDF 34 Kb. Polaczek, B.; Neumann, P.; Schricker, B.; Moritz, R. F. A. Apidologie 31: 525-530.
  175. Comparison of Some Behavioural Characteristics of Caucasian, Central Anatolian and Erzurum Honeybee ( Apis melliferaL.) Genotypes in the Conditions of Erzurum. PDF 77 Kb. Ferhat Genc, Cemal Dulger, Semiramis Kutucla, Ahmet Dodologlu. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 23 (1999) Ek Say› 4, 651-656.
  176. Evaluation of differential gene expression during behavioral development in the honeybee using microarrays and northern blots. PDF 474 Kb. Robert Kucharski and Ryszard Maleszka. Genome Biology 2002, 3(2):research0007.1–0007.9
  177. Expression profiles during honeybee caste determination. PDF 109 Kb. Evans, Jay D.; Wheeler, Diana E. Genome Biology 2000, 2(1):research0001.1–0001.6.
  178. Pheromone mediated gene expression in the honey bee brain. PDF 416 Kb. Christina M. Grozinger, Noura M. Sharabash, Charles W. Whitfield, Gene E. Robinson. PNAS, November 25, 2003, vol. 100, suppl. 2: 14519–14525.
  179. Differential gene expression between developing queens and workers in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. PDF 137 Kb. Jay D. Evans; Diana E. Wheeler. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 96, pp. 5575–5580, May 1999.
  180. Bayesian Analysis of an Admixture Model With Mutations and Arbitrarily Linked Markers. PDF 163 Kb. Laurent Excoffier, Arnaud Estoup and Jean-Marie Cornuet. Genetics, Vol. 169, 1727-1738, March 2005.
  181. Heterosis in the honey bee. (Apis memmifera L.). PDF 778 Kb. Gladstone H. Cale, Jr.; John W. Gowen. (1955). Dadant & Sons, Inc., Hamilton, Illinois and Genetics Department, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.
  182. Gametebackcross matings in the honey bee. PDF 235 Kb. Gladstone H. Cale, Jr.; John W. Gowen. (1964). Received August 17, 1964.
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  184. G. J. Thompson, R. Kucharski, R. Maleszka and B. P. Oldroyd. (2006). Towards a molecular definition of worker sterility: differential gene expression and reproductive plasticity in honey bees. PDF 125 Kb. Insect Molecular Biology. 15 (5), 637–644
  185. Holleley, C.E., Dickman, C.R., Crowther, M.S. & B.P. Oldroyd. (2006). Size breeds success: multiple paternity, multivariate selection and male semelparity in a small marsupial, Antechinus stuartii. PDF 187 Kb. Mol. Ecol. 15: 3439-3448.
  186. Hoover, S.E.R., Winston, M.L. & B.P. Oldroyd. (2005) Retinue attraction and ovary activation: responses of wild type and anarchistic honey bees (Apis mellifera) to queen and brood pheromones. PDF 250 Kb. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 59:278-284
  187. Jones J, Helliwell,P, Beekman M, Maleska R & Oldroyd BP. (2005) The effects of rearing temperature on developmental stability and learning and memory in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. PDF 265 Kb. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 191: 1121-1129

Evolución himenopteros[]

  1. The emergence of hymenopteran genetics. PDF 66 Kb. Page RE Jr, Gadau J, Beye M. Genetics. 2002 Feb;160(2):375-9.
  2. Molecular phylogeny of the insect order Hymenoptera: Apocritan relationships. PDF 1.095 Kb. Mark Dowton; Andrew D. Austin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 91, pp. 9911-9915, October 1994 Evolution.
  3. A scientific note on mtDNA gene order rearrangements among highly eusocial bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae). PDF file (154 KB). Daniela Silvestre, Flávio de Oliveira Francisco, Ricardo Weinlich and Maria Cristina Arias. Apidologie 33(3): 355-356.

Conducta forrageo[]

  1. The Genetic Architecture of the Behavioral Ontogeny of Foraging in Honeybee Workers. PDF 191 Kb. Olav Rueppell, Tanya Pankiw, David I. Nielsen, M. Kim Fondrk, Martin Beye and Robert E. Page, Jr. Genetics, Vol. 167, 1767-1779, August 2004.

Genoma mitocondrial[]

  1. The Mitochondrial Genome of the Honeybee Apis mellifera: Complete Sequence and Genome Organization. PDF 2.933 Kb. R. H. Crozier and Y. C. Crozier. Genetics 133: 97-1 17 Uanuary, 1993).
  2. Differential expression of mitochondrial genes between queens and workers during caste determination in the honeybee Apis mellifera. PDF 275 Kb. M Corona, E Estrada, and M Zurita. J. Exp. Biol. 1999 202: 929-938.

Nucleo y cromosomas[]

  1. The organization of nuclei and chromosomes in honeybee embryonic cells. PDF 2.259 Kb. E. J. Dupraw. Proc. Nas. Vol. 53, 1965.
  2. A Microsatellite-Based Linkage Map of the Honeybee, Apis mellifera L. PDF 253 Kb. Michel Solignaca, Dominique Vautrina, Emmanuelle Baudrya, Florence Mougela, Anne Loiseaub, and Jean-Marie Cornuetb. Genetics, Vol. 167, 253-262, May 2004.
  3. Microsatellite variation in honey bee (Apis Mellifera L.) populations: hierarchical genetic structure and test of the infinite allele and stepwise mutation models. PDF 1.598 Kb. Arnaud Estoup; Lionel Garnery; Michel Solignac; Jean-Marie Cornuett. Genetics 140 679-695 (June, 1995).
  4. Characterization of an Unusually Conserved AluI Highly Reiterated DNA Sequence Family From the Honeybee, Apis mellifera. PDF 3.444 Kb. Sophie Tares; Jean-Marie Cornuett and Pierre Abad. Genetics 134 1 195- 1204 (August, 1993).
  5. Linkage map of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, based on RAPD markers. PDF 2.216 Kb. Hunt GJ, Page RE Jr. Genetics. 1995 Mar;139(3):1371-82.