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Robert Huish
Robert Huish 1777-1850

Robert Huish (1777-1850). escribió en 1844 el libro titulado: Bees: their natural history and general management: comprising a full and experimental examination of the various systems of native and foreign apiarians; with an analytical exposition of the errors of the theory of Huber; containing, also, the latest discoveries and improvements in every department of the apiary. London, H. G. Bohn, 1844. xxvii, 458 p. illus., port. 19 cm.

A pesar de una anchura singular de rendimiento literario, Robert Huish (1777-1850) se recuerda como una de las figuras importantes en la apicultura británica durante el primero la mitad siglo XIX. Su primer libro, A Treatise on the Nature, Economy, and Practical Management of Bees (Un Tratado en la Naturaleza, Economía, y la Dirección Práctica de Abejas) pasó por cuatro ediciones entre 1815 y 1844, y ganó un número de lectores popularmente grande a través de una sucesión de otros libros y artículos, mientras se desarrollaba la ciencia apícola, muchos apicultores hicieron sus propias colmenas. Hiush era miembro de la Sociedad Imperial de Apicultura de Viena.

Cuando ese Huish publicó su popular trabajo sobre las abejas: su historia natural y la dirección general, estaba profundamente comprometido en una riña científica con el apicultor suizo François Huber. Su libro no sólo puede verse como un esfuerzo para escribir una revisación y cuenta exacta de la fisiología, conducta, y manejo de las abejas, pero cuenta los errores de otros naturalistas, el más notable es Huber. Irónicamente, mientras Huish publicó un catálogo de 34 errores cometidos por Huber, insistió célebremente que las abejas del obrera no era ni masculina ni femenina, sino un tercer sexo neutro.

Publica también el libro The cottager's manual for the management of his bees, for every month in the year; both on the suffocating and depriving system; with the necessary instructions for the purchase of hives, and the general management of the apiary. London, Wetton and Jarvis 1822 2d ed., with considerable additions, founded on the most recent discoveries.


  1. Huish, R. (1817). A treatise on the nature, economy, and practical management, of bees; in which the various systems of the British and foreign apiarians are examined, and the most improved methods laid down for effectually preserving the lives of the bees. Containing also an accurate description, illustrated by plates, of the hives invented by Lombard, Ducouedic, Huber, Vicat, l'abbé della Rocca, and other foreign apiarians; and of a newly invented hive for the purpose of depriving the bees of their honey, with safety and expedition: forming the most complete guide to the study and management of those valuable insects. London,, Printed for Baldwin Cradock and Joy.
  2. Huish, R. (1819). Instructions for using the Huish hive : from which the combs are extracted without killing the bees. London, Printed for the author by G.W. Wetton Maidenhead.
  3. Huish, R. (1822). The cottager's manual for the management of his bees, for every month in the year; both on the suffocating and depriving system; with the necessary instructions for the purchase of hives, and the general management of the apiary. London,, Wetton and Jarvis.
  4. Huish, R. 1842. Bees: Their Natural History and General Management. London, Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, Paternoster Row. Printers, Gilbert Rivington, St. John’s Square, 1 Portrait-Kupfer D. Verf., In 8-Quarto. 458 pages. Revised and enlarged in 1844. Gleanings in Bee Culture 21: 881.
  5. Huish, R. (1844). Bees: their natural history and general management: comprising a full and experimental examination of the various systems of native and foreign apiarians; with an analytical exposition of the errors of the theory of Huber; containing, also, the latest discoveries and improvements in every department of the apiary. London,, H. G. Bohn.

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