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  1. Al-Utman, H. S. 1970. Records of some insects from Helgurd Mount, Iraq. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum (University of Baghdad) 4(2/3/4): 87-91.
  2. Alvarez, C. C., Shimanuki, H. & R. J. Argauer, 1970. Oral toxicity of carbaryl of adult honey bees. Journal of Economic Entomology 63(6): 1834-1835.
  3. Alves-dos-Santos, I. 1999. Abelhas e plantas melíferas da mata atlântica, restinga e dunas do litoral norte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 43(3/4): 191–223.
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  5. Al-Zoreky, N. 2001. Physicochemical characteristics of Yemeni honey. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 19(3): 159-162.
  6. Amaro, P. 2001. The practice of directives for integrated production in viticulture must be improved and impose new restrictions concerning some pesticides. In: Lozzia, C. (ed.), Bulletin OILB/SROP 24(7): 151-156.
  7. Ambrose, J. T. 1972. Highlights of the beekeeper indemnity payment program. Gleanings Bee Cult. 100(8): 237.
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  24. Ambrose, J., J. Schultheis, S. Bambara & W. Mangum, 1995. An evaluation of selected commercial bee attractants in the pollination of cucumbers and watermelons. American Bee Journal 135(4): 267-272.
  25. Ambrose, J. T. & M. S. Stanghellini, 2000. A scientific note on the threat of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida) to bumble bees (Bombus spp.) in the U.S. Apidologie 31(1): 1-2.
  26. Ambrose, J. T., M. S. Stanghellini & D. I. Hopkins, 2000. scientific note on the threat of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) to bumble bee (Bombus spp.) colonies in the United States. Apidologie 31(3): 455-456.
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  29. Amiet, F., M. Herrmann, A. Müller & R. Neumeyer, 2001. Apidae 3: Halictus, Lasioglossum. Fauna Helvetica 6, 208 pp., CSCF & SEG.
  30. Amiet, F., M. Herrmann, A. Müller & R. Neumeyer, 2004. Apidae 4: Anthidium, Chelostoma, Coelioxys, Dioxys, Heriades, Lithurgus, Megachile, Osmia, Stelis. Fauna Helvetica 9, 273 pp., CSCF & SEG.
  31. Amiet, F., M. Herrmann, A. Müller & R. Neumeyer, (in press): Apidae 5: Ammobates, Ammobatoides, Anthophora, Biastes, Ceratina, Dasypoda, Epeoloides, Epeolus, Eucera, Macropis, Melecta, Melitta, Nomada, Pasites, Tetralonia, Thyreus, Xylocopa. Fauna Helvetica, CSCF & SEG.
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  33. Amiet, F., A. Müller & R. Neumeyer, 1999. Apidae 2: Colletes, Dufourea, Hylaeus, Nomia, Nomioides, Rhophitoides, Rophites, Sphecodes, Systropha. Fauna Helvetica 4, 219 pp., CSCF & SEG.
  34. Amoako, J. & K. Y. Gyan, 1991. Insect pollination of three solanaceous vegetable crops in Ghana with special reference to the role of African honey bee (Apis mellifera adansonii) for fruit set. Acta Horticulturae 288: 255-259.
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  37. Anasiewicz, A. 1973. Błonkówki pszczołowate (Apoidea, Hymenoptera) występujące na platacjach lucerny mieszańcowej (Medicago media Pers.) i skład florystyczny zebranego przez nie pyłku. Akad. Roln.w Lublinie, Lublin. Ser. Wydaw. Rozp. Nauk. No. 5: 1-43.
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  70. Anderson, D. & S. Fuchs, 1998. Two genetically distinct populations of Varroa jacobsoni with contrasting reproductive abilities of Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research 37 : 69-78.
  71. Anderson, D. L. & H. Giacon, 1992. Reduced pollen collection by honey bee colonies infected with Nosema apis and Sacbrood virus. Journal of Economic Entomology 85: 47-51.
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